Project Black/Ariel Alternatives
Ariel Alternatives was founded by Mellody Hobson and Les Brun in 2021 with the mission to address the racial wealth inequality gap. Ariel Alternatives is the private equity affiliate of Ariel Investments, the largest Black-owned mutual fund. The Ariel Alternatives team launched “Project Black,” a $1.45 billion fund that will invest and scale minority owned businesses enabling them to serve as suppliers of choice to Fortune 500 companies thereby generating jobs and economic growth within the Black and Latinx communities. Hobson is one of the most prominent women in finance and in addition to leading Ariel, sits on the boards of Starbucks and JP Morgan Chase. Brun, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Ariel Alternatives, founded private equity consulting and management powerhouse Hamilton Lane and has been an active corporate director and investor for four decades. His network, know-how and ability to execute are the ideal ingredients for a successful Fund I.
Rudy Cline-Thomas
Sam Landman
Fatima Hussain
Andre Iguodala
Richard Smith
Mosaic General Partnership