Casey Family Programs
Second only to the Knight Foundation, Casey Family Programs has over 35% of its assets managed by woman and diverse managers. The Seatle-based foundation clearly takes use of diverse managers very seriously and is providing positive leadership in a segment that has long received criticism for lacking transparency and diverse managers. Joseph Boateng is the Chief Investment Officer. He joined Casey Family Programs in January 2007. He advises the Board of Trustees as it carries out its responsibility for the investment of $2.6 billion of foundation assets. Before joining Casey Family Programs, he was a member of the Johnson & Johnson Investment Committee, responsible for managing over $17 billion in employee benefit assets worldwide. Previously, he was a member of the Johnson & Johnson Investment Committee, responsible for managing over $17 billion in employee benefit assets worldwide. He also spent 13 years at Xerox Corp., where he was a key member of the Trust Investment Team that managed $10 billion in assets. Boateng is a member of the Nuveen/TIAA-CREF Funds Board and chairs the Seattle Foundation Investment Committee. He also serves on the Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System Investment Advisory Committee and the Africa Institutional Investors Council of the National Association of Securities Professionals.