SV Angel & Philanthropist
Slauson & Co is one of the highest profiles of many recently formed VC firms that aim to fund underrepresented founders. The investment thesis for those backing such funds is that a diverse venture capitalist firm will fund more diverse founders, who in turn, as they succeed, will create jobs and wealth in diverse communities. Ron Conway, the Founder and Managing Partner of SV Angel, is widely recognized for his influential role in the technology ecosystem as an active angel investor since the mid-90s. Prior to establishing SV Angel, Conway held marketing positions at National Semiconductor Corporation and co-founded Altos Computer Systems. As President and CEO, he successfully led the company to a public listing on Nasdaq in 1982. He actively engages in initiatives addressing systemic racial and economic inequality and was a key backer of Slauson and Co. by contributing his valuable insights and experience, relationships or social capital and becoming an investor thereby aligning his words with his wallet. The support of traditional VCs like Conway are often critical to the successful launch and scaling of diverse venture capital firms and Conway’s efforts deserve recognition. We can only hope that more Ron Conways step up and mentor and support firms I ways that improve their odds of success