2025 Power100
Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 @ 10AM
Location TBD
2025 Power100
Sunday, May 4th, 2025 @ 5PM
Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills
Monday, May 5th, 2025 @ 8:30AM
Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills
The Sponsorship Deck (PDF)
The Power100 was founded on the principle that WE all have the ability and capacity to inspire, drive and influence outcomes in companies, portfolios and communities.
Los Angeles is where we launched the first event in 2024 and the community of public servants, entertainers and members of the asset management ecosystem embraced the
concept and committed to our success in their hometown.
We are coming back but with a broader purpose. The devastating fires have taken their toll on members of our Power100 Family in and around Los Angeles. In 2025, we
will not come and celebrate our successes without honoring their misfortune, doing our part to alleviate their suffering and aligning ourselves with our time and
philanthropic spirit.

We have expanded the Power100 this year beyond the honoree dinner.
Saturday May 3rdThe Power100 Day of Servicer |
Given the devastation realized in the Los Angeles community, the Power100 team felt it necessary to recognize the pain and loss experienced by so many. We are working with a local non-profit agency to curate a group community service project as a way of demonstrating our collective care and ability to make a difference. Response to this initiative has been tremendous. We have lined up bus transportation, designed t-shirts and will be ready to roll up our sleeves. |
The day will begin with an informative breakfast at 8:00am at the Sofitel. Buses will depart from the Sofitel at 9:30am. Boxed lunches will be provided, and we will return to the Sofitel by 4:00pm. It is important to note that the actual volunteer activity will not involve the clean-up of hazardous materials or being embedded within areas of fire devastation. |
Sunday May 4thThe Power100 Honoree Dinner |
The industry’s most influential participants including asset managers, institutional investors, non-profit leaders, family offices, entrepreneurs and celebrities will gather again to honor the 2025 Power100 Honorees at a private, invite-only dinner at the Sofitel. The evening includes timely remarks and insightful fireside chats that leave the room inspired. |
The cocktail hour will begin at 5:00pm. The dinner and program will begin at 6:30pm and be followed by a 9:00pm desert reception featuring one of LA’s hottest, old-school R&B mixologists. |
Monday May 5thThe Power Breakfast |
The 2025 Power100 will be capped with an LP/GP breakfast that includes three panel discussions led by leading industry limited partners and consultants. The topics of this year’s breakfast will center on the current state of venture and private equity investing, fundraising and the impact of the political climate on the diverse manager ecosystem. |
Breakfast and networking will begin at 8:30am at the Sofitel. Panels will begin at 9:00am and conclude by 11:00am. |