Power /noun/ the capacity or ability to direct or influence others or events.
The Power100 is a not-for-profit initiative, created by Blueprint Capital Advisors to shine a spotlight on alternative investment organizations, professionals and investors that are high performing, impacting the industry and narrowing societal gaps related to wealth, health, education, and other areas important to us all. By harnessing the power of commitment, collaboration, connection and celebration our goal is to advance the alternatives industry and positively shape portfolio outcomes.
We are committed to researching and identifying actionable investment ideas and amplifying them across the investment community.
We connect asset managers, allocators, and others in the broader ecosystem to accelerate institutionalization and facilitate capital flows.
We collaborate with mission aligned allocators, asset managers and industry advocates to provide thought leadership and drive results.
We celebrate and elevate the efforts of allocators, asset managers, advisors and others who are impactfully investing to achieve meaningful portfolio and industry results.
Nominate a Power100 Honoree
No one has a monopoly on good ideas and the best decisions are made with input from a diverse group of industry participants who see our industry from different perspectives. Help us identify allocators, asset managers, advisors, advocates and icons for the next Power100 honoree list. By nominating these impactful professionals, you are helping us acknowledge their efforts and inspire others to follow their example.
We will be accepting nominations for Power100 Honorees 2025 until January 15.